Privacy Policy


We take your privacy very seriously. This page explains what we do with your personal information and how we keep it safe.

The Trustee has created a formal Privacy Notice (opens in a new window), setting out the Trustee’s commitment to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 to ensure the safe and appropriate use of the data it holds in respect of individuals.

The Privacy Notice outlines the type of personal data held, how it is used and how long we keep it. It also details the circumstances under which the Trustee might share personal data with third parties, such as with the LSF’s professional advisers.

The LSF’s Privacy Notice can be viewed here (opens in a new window). A formal review of our Privacy Notice will be carried out regularly.

As pension provision has changed over the last 20 years or so, the number of participating employers has reduced. Find out more on our History and Trustee pages.

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